
About Me

Hi Y'all!

 I'm sGs - the blogger of Sweet Southern Girl and now the author of Minus Thirty Pounds. I started this blog to document my final last 25-30 lbs in weight loss as I journey to my goal weight of 150.

Here is the 411...

I am your typical southern lady who has struggled with her weight after the birth of her baby. Except my baby was born eight years ago. The highest my weight reached was 220 lbs back in 2005.

In true yo-yo form I dropped down to 170 in 2010.

How did I do it? Exercise 6 times a week for an hour or more, cardio and a few weights. Lots of water and Crystal Light. I also mixed in better food choices, ate 5 times a day, and carried a food journal that I poured myself into.

I felt great! Had energy, never hungry, and was pretty proud of how I looked.

But then life changed and reality kicked in. I didn't have as much time to dedicate.

Recently I started eating poorly. Lots of Wendy's, Sonic, McDonalds, Pizza, and Mexican food. I feel gross and my pants are tight.

No Bueno.

So this is my attempt to get back on track and on the way to a healthier me!

Here are my stats:

Height: 5'9"
Age: 29
Current Weight: 175


Fun Fact: Did you know 30 lbs is the weight of a 2 year old?
Me either.
I carry around an extra 2 year old everyday. Gross.